help on picking new old processor please...

price point is 500-700..basic 5:1 system...80% sports and movies...old school stuff of 804 matrix B&W, emotiva 5-channel amp, cdm and htm B&W for center and surround..

dont need HDMI switching...
ready for any suggestions, have thought on my list so far

lexicon mc-4
sunfire grand theater II or better
love to hear what people think..
Put the Parasound 7100 on your list too. These are currently going for $500-$600 used.
If you have a very minimal system (1 digital coax, 1 optical digital and one L/R RCA analog input) you can run a Meridian 565 without the 562V which adds a lot more inputs. The 561 is an all-in-one box but has lower quality pre-amp section. Both options could be had under your price range.
i'm surprised theta hasn't been mentioned here - casa nova's can be found at or below your budget, and casablanca's can be found for just a bit more than your targeted budget. i've owned proceed, meridian, and theta, and found the theta casablanca to have the best audio performance of them all.
What about the Arcam AVP700? It's at the low end of the price point, but the reviews seem pretty positive.
I Marantz AV8003 that I am trying to sell. 7.1 channels, Audyssey with microphone, upconverts to 1080,,, google it for all the spec's. It was Marantz's Flagship pre/pro until the just released Av8801. Also, the sonics are far superior to the AV7005 as I tried the 7005 and sold it to keep my 8003 because of the sound quality. I'll sell it today for $825.00 including shipping and Paypal. It is in excellent condition!