Cassette Decks in 2019

In the last few years a bunch of experimental/fringe music has been increasingly been put out on cassette. I can stream these on Apple Music and Prime and such but would rather buy it and support the artists.

So on a whim I've been looking at decks. Nakamichi comes out often but HOLD CRAP look at the prices for machines. No thanks. So I see some from TEACTascam and Marantz that are being produced now and wonder if any of these are decent enough soundwise.

Smkerry, thanks for your response.

I should add to my previous comments about the Tascam 202MkVII that they pertain to playing pre-recorded tapes, which is what the OP has said he is interested in.  I have not done any recording with this deck.

-- Al

One of the major strengths of a good nak deck is its recording ability.

Once you set it up precisely for the type of tape you are using your results will be outstanding.

Obviously this ability will be meaningless to the OP if all they desire is to playback some indie cassettes.

No worries. Didn't want my first post on Audiogon to come across as arrogant. I am just passionate about quality cassette decks and quality recording. I'm not necessarily and expert, and have no hands on experience with said Tascam. However, I do have extensive experience with Tascam professional tape decks of all varieties.

I can say without a SHRED of doubt that the 202MkVII is a shadow of former Tascam decks, and the price:value is abysmal. IMHO, it doesn't take hands on use to make this determination. If someone chooses the convenience of purchasing this deck new strictly to play back pre-recorded cassettes, they obviously are of means and don't need to worry about value.

Cheers -smkerry
There is nothing wrong with the TASCAM.  No, it isn’t built like the units based on the TEAC C-1, but I’ve seen and heard them and like it or not, they record and play well.

Vintage machines however can be purchased reasonably and serviced without much cost.  They will run for decades.
My Nakamichi 500 and 600 along with my ADVENT 201A still sound superb.  I have hundreds of cassettes made over the years that would certainly make those doubtful sit up and listen! 

Buy your TASCAM and enjoy.


Don’t know about Marantz  but other two are junk. Bought new Teac for 400. Just over one year right channel went out. Played lightly. Prices you see on Nachimichi are usually with completely overhaul by Willy Herman. You get a new deck with warranty. Expensive but worth it. Diff in daylight and dark in sound. It is top of line. It was then and still is   Worst every penny