Best speaker in the US $ 30-45.000,00 range

Hi all. I´m searching for a nice speaker in the high-end midprice category. On my shortlist are: Verity Audio Leonore, Sonus Faber Stradivari, Consensus Audio Conspiracy, Wilson Audio Sasha and Magico V 3. Has anybody had the chance to compare these speakers ?
Consider the new Vandersteen Model 7, the Magnepan 20.1 supplemented by one or two JL subwoofers according to your room and budget.

Finally, before you spend that kind of coin, give a listen to the B&W 802D, relatively cheap at $15K a pair, but competitive in that price range.

I have heard all of these speakers. My personal favorite is the Magnepan 20.1 + JL subs, but that's anything but a petite setup.

I also am partial to Sonus Faber. Excellent tonal balance and always musical presentation with a deceptively high level of detail that's never irritating.
For 30-45K they better be pretty good, very close to SOTA, if not do not be afraid to walk and it does not matter what kind of music you listen to at that price point, this should not be an issue, stay away from the right for the "moment" stuff, good speakers will reproduce what is in the recording with no issues, throw all that you can at them and dont be afraid to buy used.

You can get SOTA sound when buying used at that price for sure.

In this economy, you are very fortunate my friend and blessed.
Happy Holidays.
Given soley in the spirit of Christmas and in hopes santa is real.... may i offer this suggestion. Buy the Wilson sophias at $16,700 (i believe) and then to fulfill my dreams, and convince me that Santa is real buy me a pair of Magnepan 20.1 at $12,000.If my math is correct u will still have some change to give the bell ringers...think of the karma
TAD speakers. Audio Video Logic (Des Moine, IA) just picked them up. They're right up there with the best.