Need compact end of life audio system to shoehorn into a corner of a compact living space

My thinking is a MacMini as the volume pre control into a DAC running off iTunes ALAC out to an amp, possiblly an XA30.8 into speakers and possibly subwoofer to fill out the bottom. that can move some air with warmth over accuracy more 70's stereo than 2112 accuracy using Kimber 8TC.

What DAC, amp and speaker options are there to consider beyond noted xa30 that will burn less power and not require retubing each year and non paper cones to last a generation.  Alexia/Sasha are likely too large and sizzling so O93/96 are more the flavor with an 8' listening wall and 10'ish to main listening point in a very compact 9' tall room. 10' open space behind, 10' left with glass wall immediately right of listening area that likely will little to no treatment other than see through roller blind or heavy drapery at best.

Not sure if it is in your budget, but I might suggest an Ayre EX-8, integrated with built in DAC along with some custom speakers from Fritz.
Let him know you need actual bookshelf speakers, not stand mounts, and he can design you a pair of sealed speakers that will be top notch.