Phono stage for my system?

I am getting back into my vinyl collection and would like some recommendations from vinyl enthusiasts. My equipment includes the following. 

Ayre K-5xe pre-amp - no phono stage
Pro-ject Debut III turntable with stock Ortofon cartridge (OM 5e I believe)
Proceed HPA2 amp
Aerial Acoustics Model 8b speakers

I am currently using the phono stage in my Integra video processor/pre-amp the signal from which passes through the Ayre pre-amp. I find it lacking in detail and soundstage even when listening to some excellent DG and Decca classical recordings. I realize my cartridge may pose some limitations, so let me know if you view that as an area for potentially greater improvement. 

Given the level of my turntable and cartridge, my budget is up to $1,000 for the phono stage, with the understanding I may choose to upgrade the cartridge or turntable in the future.  Thanks in advance for your suggestions. 

Dear @sameyers1 :  Sutherland has very good desins and with very good quality excecution of those designs but the  Uphorik is not only a true dual mono design but a balanced one that's an advantage for lower noise levels when we are talking of phono stages.

Obviously that it's a personal decision.

@rauliruegas - Thx for your feedback.  You have summarized well two of the major reasons I'm interested in the Linn Uphorik.  A couple of others are worth mentioning.  The unit can be adjusted to optimize its  performance for virtually any MM or MC cartridge.  And Linn's house sound, like my Ayre Acoustics equipment, is very neutral, which is what I have grown to appreciate as someone who plays the piano (not all that well, but for my ow enjoyment) and who attends lots of classical and jazz concerts.  Linn and Ayre both make some of the best, neutral sounding electronics at their price points.  I'm not sure I can take advantage of the balanced circuitry, as I will have to explore if I can replace the tonearm cabling in my turntable to provide balanced connections.  But the improved S/N ratio of balanced connections is worth pursuing.

I'm also interested in a pre-owned Ayre Acoustics P-5xe phono stage, which is no longer made, but last sold for around $3,250 new.  They are only infrequently available on Audiogon or U.S. Audiomart, and the recent sales were in the $1,500 to $1,700 range.  But that unit is also dual mono and balanced (or RCA).  I own three other pieces of Ayre equipment (pre-amp, CD player and DAC) and find their sound even more open, clear (but not harsh) and natural than the Linn products.  And Ayre is great about repairs and upgrades at reasonable costs.

Your input is much appreciated.  
OP - Skip the KC Vibe.  Had one for a few weeks and returned it.  Everything sounded like background elevator music.  Ugh!
@hifiman5 thanks for your feedback on the KC Vibe.  It is now off the list.  Any thoughts on any of the other new or pre-owned units left on the list?  Or any others I can purchase for something close to $1,000 or a bit more?
For a quick upgrade in sound, I’d strongly recommend a Schiit Mani phono pre and a Nagaoka MP-110.
I normally use a modded/upgraded EAR 834p and a Goldring 1022, but the Mani and Nagaoka surprised me at how great the combo sounds. 
The Mani is only $129, and the Nagaoka is aprox $120-$140. 
The Ortofon OM5e is at the bottom tier of the Ortofon line of carts, and is most likely the first thing you may want to upgrade.