@rauliruegas - Thx for your feedback. You have summarized well two of the major reasons I'm interested in the Linn Uphorik. A couple of others are worth mentioning. The unit can be adjusted to optimize its performance for virtually any MM or MC cartridge. And Linn's house sound, like my Ayre Acoustics equipment, is very neutral, which is what I have grown to appreciate as someone who plays the piano (not all that well, but for my ow enjoyment) and who attends lots of classical and jazz concerts. Linn and Ayre both make some of the best, neutral sounding electronics at their price points. I'm not sure I can take advantage of the balanced circuitry, as I will have to explore if I can replace the tonearm cabling in my turntable to provide balanced connections. But the improved S/N ratio of balanced connections is worth pursuing.
I'm also interested in a pre-owned Ayre Acoustics P-5xe phono stage, which is no longer made, but last sold for around $3,250 new. They are only infrequently available on Audiogon or U.S. Audiomart, and the recent sales were in the $1,500 to $1,700 range. But that unit is also dual mono and balanced (or RCA). I own three other pieces of Ayre equipment (pre-amp, CD player and DAC) and find their sound even more open, clear (but not harsh) and natural than the Linn products. And Ayre is great about repairs and upgrades at reasonable costs.
Your input is much appreciated.