Best speaker in the US $ 30-45.000,00 range

Hi all. I´m searching for a nice speaker in the high-end midprice category. On my shortlist are: Verity Audio Leonore, Sonus Faber Stradivari, Consensus Audio Conspiracy, Wilson Audio Sasha and Magico V 3. Has anybody had the chance to compare these speakers ?
I concur with Trelja - the Sashas are a good choice if you like precise sound - an exception in the Wilson line, which is normally colored by a house sound that leans towards heavier resonant bass (especially in the WP line). Frankly, the others would not make my shortlist but my taste (in the minority) is not towards laid back mids and an emphasis on bass.
The OP doesn't say why he's dissatisfied with his current Consensus speaker or what he is trying to achieve with this change, doesn't say whether the new speaker will be used in his current system and doesn't say anything about his room. All he gives is a list of speakers that span wide across the audiophile spectrum. Yet, with this paucity of info everybody has an opinion.
i'd recommend auditioning the Evolution Acoustics MM3's. they do list for $3000 over the top level ($45k) of your budget at $48k. to my ears they perform at a level equal or better to any other $100k+ speaker. don't discount them because they don't have a high enough list price.

the MM3's are happy in my quite large (29' x 21' x 11') room and easily work in medium to small rooms too since their bass is very adustable to any room. they use the Accouton ceramic mid-range and an Arum Cantus ribbon tweeter which perfectly blend and they don't have that 'tipped up' brightness i find in many speakers. they combine transparency and the body and fullness of the music where many speakers do one or the other. there is no replacement for the displacement of 2 15" subs per side that fully integrate. they use a sealed box for the subs to get that articulation yet since they are powered you are not paying the price with an in-efficient speaker.

with a 93db 6ohm load you open yourself up to using very modestly powered (read transparent and natural sounding) amplifiers including 10-20 watt SET's. i recently had a pair of 18 watt Lamm ML2.1's in my room and they worked great. yet they sounded great with the darTZeel 400 watt monoblocks too. currently i use the darTZeel 100 watt stereo NHB-108.....which works perfectly for my very large room.

find someone close to you who has these and go listen; or come here and listen. for under $50k they are crazy good.
How about a used pair of Rockport Antares. Should come in a bit less than 30K. Of course the hard part would be getting someone to part with their pair. I find it amazing that in the last 4 + years, not one pair used on the Gon.
I find it amazing that in the last 4 + years, not one pair used on the Gon.
I wonder how many pairs there are extant.