This statement is false. The ability to double power as load impedance is halved has nothing to do with how well the amp will play bass
Of course it does when it demands current into low impedance to do it, get over it.!
Ralph you’re so transparent.
Stick to what your good at, super efficient easy to drive horns that you heavily promote and your OTL’s, that can’t drive these kind of sub 2ohm inefficient speakers that you have no love for. But then yet in the same breath, promote the use of your OTL’s with them, with expensive Zero autoformers, saying that their great and the perfect answer for your OTL amps to use on these hard to drive speakers, just to make some more dollars from the gullible.
All your doing here, is to branch out into the Class-D gravy train $$$’s (so transparent) without any loyalty to where you came from, OTL’s and horns. But then they are both a dying breed.