Best Class A / Class AB SS Power Amplifiers between $5000-$10,000

I've been looking for a power amp that pairs well with my Chord DAVE dac/premp which is honestly a world class equipment that may need an Amp of the same caliber to bring out its performance to highly resolving standmounts like Focal Diablo Utopia or Dynaudio Controur 20.

What is in my mind is:
- PS Audio BHK 300 (hybrid)
- Chord SPM Series
- Bryston 2.5-4B3
- Burmester 036
- McIntosh MC302
- Please suggest?

Appreciate your opinions. 
Kink56: methinks you,re living in the past.  Things have come a loooong way since1990.  Trust me.  My s300 series two has been in my basement covered with cobwebs for 20 years.  Every time I have an urgent feeling to send it to Jon sonderbergfor updating I lie down 
Until the urgency subsides....