Have you ever been blocked by an E seller here?

I was browsing through the ads over the weekend and on an item I clicked on, I saw the words "blocked". I have never ever done business with this person before. I did however call him out via private message that he was being very misleading in his ad for something he was selling. He gave me a snarky reply and that was the end of it, I didn’t press further. What do you make of it? I am quite annoyed as I have an impeccable record in the classifieds.
Yes under exactly same circumstances by two vendors.
No names mentioned but quite pathetic actually.
Sometimes the truth hurts......
Thanks uberwaltz, I feel better knowing I am not the only one.  I am more insulted about it than anything else.  It's their loss as there are plenty of deals to be had if patient enough.
I have been critical of a dealer over the use of “shill” friend-fake reviewer hawking their products.

I am “blocked” from buying their products here, but I have found them cheaper from a better source,

So screw him.