Would switching amps make a big difference?

I've been using a Belles 21a tube pre and a pair of PrimaLuna Prologue Sevens with Martin Logan Ethos speakers for the last 6 years and it sounds good. I'm pretty stuck in tube land. But does it get better?

I was wondering if a Raven Osprey Integrated amp or the Lyngdorf TDAI-2170 or another amp, ideally integrated could elevate and sound even more, around same price of $5k - which if I went ahead is about what my current amp setup should bring me.

Then there is the idea of switching to the Martin Logan ESL Impression 11a...

Thoughts? Suggestions?

A strong solid state amp is always a good idea to try with ESLs

A combination I've heard, and others often praise, is a tube pre with a beefy SS amp. Something that can deliver lots of current at high frequencies. The Sanders / Coda amps are good examples here.
Like a number of other PrimaLuna amps your Prologue Sevens have a particularly high output impedance. Stereophile measured 2.6 ohms for the 2 ohm tap, 4.5 ohms for the 4 ohm tap, and 8.5 ohms for the 8 ohm tap. The impedance of your speakers, which is similar to the impedance of many Martin Logan speakers, is spec’d at 4 ohms nominal, 0.8 ohms at 20 kHz.

The result of the interaction between those impedances is undoubtedly a considerable amount of rolloff in the upper treble region, regardless of which tap you are using. (The amount of rolloff would be least on the 2 ohm tap, although using that tap with nominally 4 ohm speakers might compromise the maximum power capability and the distortion performance of the amp).

Going to the 11a, btw, would probably be even worse in that respect, as it is spec’d as having an impedance of only 0.6 ohms at 20 kHz.

So yes, changing amps is likely to make a big difference, and probably for the better from a subjective standpoint as well as in terms of accuracy.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

Al - questions

A. If Martin Logan speakers is 4ohms, .8 ohms at 20kHZ - ideal amps would have what output impedance?

B. Tube amps you might suggest?
