Thanks Mike. I’ve been helping Keith with the arm and table (I just sold him the HW-19 Mk.2), moving the Moerch from an HW-19 Jr. onto the Mk.2. Since the cueing arm was working fine on the Jr., I assumed it doesn’t now because the Mk.2’s platter is the black Delrin/lead one, the Jr’s the frosted acrylic, and surmised the former is thicker than the latter. I asked Keith to measure the height of the top of each platter above their respective sub-chassis top plates, to confirm that hypothesis.
I didn’t look closely at the Moerch when I was at Keith’s, as the arm mounting template Keith had was printed incorrectly (Keith will never again trust Kinko’s!), which resulted in the hole the plastic shop drilled for the arm being located 18mm too far away from the spindle. There was then obviously no point in going any further with mounting the arm---a new arm board with a correctly-located arm mounting hole needed to be made first.
If the Moerch has height adjustment capabilities, the problem is probably solved. I was thinking Rega-type spacers were going to be necessary, to raise the arm. Keith asked about the brass plug in the bottom of the table’s bearing housing being adjustable, which he was going to try. No need to if the arm can be raised. So thanks again Mike---Eric.