Mijostyn-here is your statement: All my optical discs have been transferred to the hard drive. I took them all to Bull Moose Music and traded them in for....Records! $1500.00 worth.
you copied all of your discs to a hard drive then sold them. This is illegal as hell. This has nothing to do with streaming, this have everything to do with copying, keeping a copy, then selling the discs.
also, why would you tape a digital recording when you can play it at anytime? If you were listening to a one time recording, then yes, recording to r2r makes sense.
i have owned a few 15 ips r2r decks, the Otari 5050 and the pioneer 901. The pioneer only sounded good at 15ips whereas the Otari sounded great at both 7.5 and 15ips. So you need to spend some cash to get a good r2r that does 15ips and then you’re going to pay a premium for tape. After a while, I just didn’t see a need for a r2r.
you copied all of your discs to a hard drive then sold them. This is illegal as hell. This has nothing to do with streaming, this have everything to do with copying, keeping a copy, then selling the discs.
also, why would you tape a digital recording when you can play it at anytime? If you were listening to a one time recording, then yes, recording to r2r makes sense.
i have owned a few 15 ips r2r decks, the Otari 5050 and the pioneer 901. The pioneer only sounded good at 15ips whereas the Otari sounded great at both 7.5 and 15ips. So you need to spend some cash to get a good r2r that does 15ips and then you’re going to pay a premium for tape. After a while, I just didn’t see a need for a r2r.