Have you ever been blocked by an E seller here?

I was browsing through the ads over the weekend and on an item I clicked on, I saw the words "blocked". I have never ever done business with this person before. I did however call him out via private message that he was being very misleading in his ad for something he was selling. He gave me a snarky reply and that was the end of it, I didn’t press further. What do you make of it? I am quite annoyed as I have an impeccable record in the classifieds.
I sympathize with everyone but I am glad I am not the only one.  When I saw blocked, It made me feel like I had the plague or something.  IMO, it's the sellers loss as there are plenty of retailers and others who will GLADLY take my money.
It could just be that seller has been burned in the past..  Perhaps someone was critical of him but purchased anyway and then gave the seller a hard time afterwards.  People do weird stuff like that.  I’m a Physician in a large city and I have a few patients that constantly complain about everything.  They have choice and they can move on elsewhere, but no, they choose to stay on and make every single interaction  miserable for me and the staff.  We can’t dismiss a patient unless they do something really egregious, like bring a firearm to the office, but a private seller here can do whatever they want.  So if they think they smell trouble, it’s their privilege to not deal with that person.
I also wonder at the complainers here.  As others have asked, Why would anyone want to buy from someone whom they view as less than reputable?  And for the OP who felt snubbed, good grief, get over it.  Many online interactions are less than pleasant.  People are routinely much ruder than in real life, for a plethora of reasons.  There are still plenty of kids in the sandbox that will play with you
I do not see any "complainers"
I see people answering the OPS, perfectly reasonable question......
I have blocked a few users who have "made an offer" which are ridiculously low. Sure, make an offer is just as it implies but these offers exceeded insulting IMO, a real example.

I was selling an almost new Technics SL-1200G, offering free shipping (heavy beast) and no PayPal for $3000 all-in. I had an offer for $1800. If someone is so lazy to make this offer I don't ever want to deal with them.

This is just my personal take on these situations, I know some of you will disagree but I don't have the patience for this "way below low low-ballers"..