Have you ever been blocked by an E seller here?

I was browsing through the ads over the weekend and on an item I clicked on, I saw the words "blocked". I have never ever done business with this person before. I did however call him out via private message that he was being very misleading in his ad for something he was selling. He gave me a snarky reply and that was the end of it, I didn’t press further. What do you make of it? I am quite annoyed as I have an impeccable record in the classifieds.
@mahler123............I am the original poster and in no way was I whining or complaining. I was simply asking if I was the only one. However, I have learned one thing and that is to stay away from anything you may be selling. If you have nothing nice or constructive to say, then say nothing.  


Thank you for coming to my defense, appreciated. 
I just recalled a listing with a 'Make offer', which I did- $1000 less than the listed price. (Originally, $8,500).
The seller offered the original price in response.
When I asked, ' Why offer a 'Make offer', if you want only your asking price, he/she replied that ' I have “make offer” because I have to qualify buyers'.
If anyone can make sense of that response, let me know.
Needless to say, I wouldn't buy anything from that dealer, no matter how good a deal I got.
I truly believe I have run into the same seller or if not one with the same mindset.
The way I understood his response in my situation was....
They did not want just a.n.other buying their gear direct without " feeling them out" hence the make offer tactic.

You make a too low offer and they then figure you may be a "problem" buyer and not worth dealing with.

That was my take anyway.
I think there are valid reasons to use make an offer, but ad should state price is firm.