Best match for my Bryston 4b3 amp ?

thanks !

*** ROGUE RP-5 !!!

Before I bought the RP5 preamp, I contacted Rogue and talked to the chief designer.  I read him the specs on the Odyssey amp and was told it would be an excellent match.  So  much for specs.  As a matter of fact, the Odyssey sounded better than the Conrad Johnson amp and I was quite sorry I sold the Odyssey and bought the CJ..  I also used the RP5 with the McIntosh MC152 amp and it sounded better than the CJ.  I went all McIntosh and upgraded the power amp and sold the RP5 for the Mac C2500 tube preamp.
I had a LS-100 for several years.  Excellent preamp with the right tubes.  Have heard the Rogue RP-5 a few times, but never in my system.