Revel ultima 2 salon owners biwire or not

How many of you are biwiring your salon2's
Do you find it to make a noticeable difference
I am awaiting a pair of the salon2 soon
My system
Basis 2200 signature with vector4
Aesthetix Rhea signature
Ayre c5xe
Parasound jc1
Bat 51se
Speaker cables kubala emotion non biwire

I can't speak for the Salon 2 but biamping and biwiring did increase the resolution and my enjoyment of the first Salons.
I have Revel F-52 and bi wire was a big improvement. It increased clarity and cohesion.
Congratulations on the Salon 2s. I'm very happy with my pair. Unless you bi-amp, bi-wiring is a waste. Revel even says so in the owners manual. 10 gauge zip cord works great.
I have tried bi-wiring with my old Revel Studios and did not hear any improvement. I will be setting my new Salon 2s tomorrow and it will single wire.