Anyone heard the Alsyvox Botticelli planar speakers?

Full range ribbon tweeter/midrange and push-pull planar magnetic bass driver.  22Hz to 40kHz. 94 dB efficient due to all neo magnets. 260 lbs per speaker.  Has garnered enthusiastic show reviews.  BTW, "only $87k".   Looks beautiful.

With a good setup s lot of what one hears can be attributed to the recording and all recordings vary so always be wary of sound assessments good or bad based only on a very limited sample.
I went into the Alsyvox room on Friday and then again on Sunday. Both times the sound was drive me out of the room harsh and strident. I happen to like Magnepans, so I assumed these speakers would be great. It could have been the electronics, Omega Audio Concepts. I don't know anything about this line of electronics and their website tells me basically nothing. But, no, not an impressive demo.

So sorry to hear that your Alsyvox room visit was so unpleasant for you.  Hope that you heard many other rooms at the show that you did enjoy.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to visit our room.

All the best,


These speakers are very similar to Extreme Audio Leonardo, which have in common the same designer, Daniele Coen, and were entirely made in Italy.

It looks also that these Leonardo costed about the half and sounded the same (reading italian reports on how they sounded I read the same words of  previous comments here).
As I said in my post dated 9/10 I still feel I am spot on with my assessment but your MMV.
I have owned the speakers and played them in a smaller room measuring 15X19X9 and now 17X35X9. The smaller room was much harder to tame due to these speakers serious dynamic capabilities and frequency extension.....but it can be done well also. The Tintoretto would work best in the smaller room. The larger room is ideal IMO for either model and I have many hours of listening experience now in this room ad 35 years of listening experience to others. I might also mention that due to the speakers ease to drive and ribbon technology they play softly without losing their magic......I use this feature a lot and still get the soundstaging, extension, and emotion. Not many speakers I have owned before these would do this except for some horns and they had more coloration and way less accurate soundstage capability. Your ears will love this feature of the Alsyvox in a matched room.
There are many electronic choices these speakers will play with but for me a 29X35X14 room was not ideal and not by choice of the manufacturer but all that was available.
As mentioned I bought my speakers based on the 20X25 room from last year RMAF 2018......the speakers will play beyond belief regardless of where they are located as many discovered in the RMAF 2019 room.
As Rhapsody has mentioned music appeal is subject to personal tastes and mood reflections and let us just be grateful for so many choices to accomplish our goals and room requirements.