Bought a pair of Magnepan LRS. Should I buy a Schiit Vidar or Bryston 3B-ST?

Has anyone heard both? I plan on travelling so small form factor matters to me but I'd like to stay with class ab, and balanced connections. I like the idea of having monoblocks with the Schiit when I get the money, and I've had good experiences with the brand. (Owned a Saga, a Mani, and a Jotunheim twice) but Bryston has the name recognition. I'm also concerned that upgrade fever would be relentless with the 3B-ST until I got the new and very expensive 3B3.
I own a pair of Magnepan 1.7 speakers. I started out using a pair of Schiit Vidars as monoblocks. For the most part they were fine. If you play classical or jazz at reasonable volumes you should be ok, and mine were ok. But if you play loud rock or fusion jazz you will not have enough headroom and one of my Vidars went into thermoprotection will playing Jeff Beck fusion loud. I sold the Vidars and got a pair of Bryston 4B3s. They are the ticket. Plenty of clean power. No protection issues. Plenty of headroom. Not sure about the 3B3s. But you can find the Bryston 4B3 on the used market frequently at much reduced below MSRP. I would still be using my 4B3s if it not for the amazing deal I got a while ago on a pair of 28B3s. Needless to say, I am set power amp-wise. I’m done. Bottomline: if you want headroom go with Bryston. If you are never going to play your system loud get a pair of Vidars (not one). 
I run the same Crown XLS as above with fantastic results. Used a single amp when I had the smaller Maggie’s, and went with two of them for 1100 watt monoblocks when I upgraded to the 1.7i’s.  Those amps drive a Maggie better than any other I’ve tried, and I’ve been through quite a few. 
I own a pair of Magnepan 1.7 speakers. I started out using a pair of Schiit Vidars as monoblocks. For the most part they were fine. If you play classical or jazz at reasonable volumes you should be ok, and mine were ok. But if you play loud rock or fusion jazz you will not have enough headroom and one of my Vidars went into thermoprotection will playing Jeff Beck fusion loud. I sold the Vidars and got a pair of Bryston 4B3s. They are the ticket. Plenty of clean power. No protection issues. Plenty of headroom. Not sure about the 3B3s. But you can find the Bryston 4B3 on the used market frequently at much reduced below MSRP. I would still be using my 4B3s if it not for the amazing deal I got a while ago on a pair of 28B3s. Needless to say, I am set power amp-wise. I’m done. Bottomline: if you want headroom go with Bryston. If you are never going to play your system loud get a pair of Vidars (not one).