Hand crafted equipment rack?

Are there some places to buy truly furniture grade equipment racks / entertainment centers? I am not looking for the huge cabinets of old but open shelves or minimalist design...made from solid wood / slabs...no veneers.

I second Timbernation. Chris is a great, humble pie guy. Have the legs threaded for cones, but do NOT purchase his. Audiopoints or the like. Don't want to skimp. 2inch thick shelves at the minimum. Thicker, in this case, is better.

A big ALSO: I would not purchase a thing from Tom's links. He was probably goof'n witcha. Whatever you put on that crap will your entire system sound poor. Very hard to go inexpensive with a rack. Maybe less expensive. Worth the investment. Easy to recommend if we can get a glimpse of your rig?
Hi Warren have you recieved your product from Chris yet?
If so how long did it take after order?
Chris said two weeks from the time of the order. I had Audiopoints dropship the points and threads. It has been a week, so I'm figuring this baby should be in my living room come Friday? Monday at the latest? He said he'll let me know when it ships. He's not far from my crib so it shouldn't take long to ship. Pa to NY