Hand crafted equipment rack?

Are there some places to buy truly furniture grade equipment racks / entertainment centers? I am not looking for the huge cabinets of old but open shelves or minimalist design...made from solid wood / slabs...no veneers.

Warrenh: Why maple over a denser wood like white oak (or a more exotic wood)?

Does the density of maple hit a sweet spot or do you, like me, just prefer the look of maple?

I'm trying to learn why decisions are made one way or the other.

Have you looked at Splintr Designs? Their Trellis racks are very nice.

I like the look of maple. Natural, oil rubbed and buffed. The combination of Audiopoints and Herbies is what I am playing with. Audiopoints are the known factor because I always coupled. Now, new speakers have a huge downfiring subwoofer, producing prodidgious air movement that will affect my SET. Experimenting with decoupling and coupling. $$ ratio: rack solo vs rack fitted Audiopoints/ Herbies is a bit disproportionate, but worth trying. This strategy was recommended to me by another Zu Definition IV owner with a geographic problem--proximity of SET to speaker. Problematic due to how close my SET is to the speaker. Will let you know, but it has worked for another audiophool/mentor, who has NEVER steered me worng.
Hey Warren its Tom. I'm still at it and have never found a reason to convert to the decoupled method or to a mix of the 2. In fact I am now coupling musical instruments cello, bass and bass clarinet. The benefit is extreme I think. As much as 30% more measured output and greater ease to play and touch. Testing new ideas and concepts on a real instrument in real time speaks great truth.

I know your dilemma about the bass modulating the tubes. Keep in mind energy is always searching for ground. Materials and geometry determine the amount of energy storage and the transfer speed. Good luck on your new audio adventure. Tom
Herbies has a 90 day refund policy if not satisfied. My tympanics will know by then. I was talking with Robert about the very couping invention you were telling me about years ago. I'd love to hear more. Try to motivate YoYo Ma to try one. It can be done.