Calling on Vandersteen 5a owners

I am getting ready to pull the trigger on a pair of Vandersteen 5a/VCC-5 speakers. I decided to go with the cherry finish. Is the high gloss finish worth the extra $$? I have not been able to see the cherry finish in person, can anyone comment on the finish? My dealer said it is by far the most popular finish. Any regrets with your purchase?

Thanks Rob
Hi, I spoke to Richard Vandersteen yesterday about the Quatros. He will be showing them in wood at the next show and they are orderable. The price in wood comes to $10,700. They replace the old Model 5s.
Good luck with your decisions!
Steve and Mike, Thanks again for your suggestions. I will definitely keep the Thiels and Quatros in mind. I hope to be in Chicago in the next month where I will check these out at the Vandy and Thiel dealers. I'm also considering the Sonus Faber Anniversario speakers, but at $27k, that is a real stretch. My wife would have to say she would rather have those in our living room than to take another vacation...ever. Or eat out, or replace old furniture, or...(you get the idea).
I have 5As in the Kowazinga finish.  I had a pro refinisher at my house to repair some furniture scratches...he commented the finish on my 5As are fabulous.