LUXMAN L509X VS M700/C700U

I have a Luxman m700u AMP and  with its DAC Luxman DA-06. I have been using my Oppo HA-1 preamp with this equipment.
I have triangle signature delta speakers.

my next step is to either sell M700u and buy L509x or get C700u to complete the paring with M700.
Please comment with experience.

UM, I'm not sure if I'm the right person to answer you, since you have two components I find pretty bright, the Triangle and Oppo.

The Luxman's are wonderfully extended and smooth with nothing to prove. They are considerably less laid back than some neutral amps like Parasound. They have more bass than some very expensive American Class A amps.

Given the impedance curve, those speakers are "discerning" of amplifier current. I'd stick with the amp you have, and upgrade the pre.

My biggest concern for you is that listening to them you may miss character you are currently enjoying.
Thank you Erik 
I also have an eastern electric dac but it had some crackling sound in tweeter so I stopped using them 
will taking out Oppo and introducing c700 soften things up or other option is to get tube preamp