Subs: sealed vs. ported

I need to add a sub. I don't have one now, so I'm not replacing anything, and I also don't have much in the way of preconceived notions. My reading is making me think sealed is preferred for music/2.1 channels, and ported is preferred for movies. Is this a fair assessment. I know everyone will have their own preferences for brands/models, and I'm open to suggestions, but it seems my first decision should be sealed or ported (or one of the brands that has ports and comes with plugs?)
I've found a used ULS15 that I'm considering. I've looked into the SB13 as well. I'm leaning towards sealed - it seems when I'll care most about sound quality, sealed will be better, even if there's a trade off during movies. Hopefully, since I'm not used to having a sub I won't miss anything.

On the ULS15, Yakbob, do you use the wireless hook up, or is that just a gimmick that costs sound quality. It's not a big factor for me, but I was thinking it could at least help as I go through the placement ordeal. Find the right spot, then hardwire the sub?

I'll check out the REL's as well, since they seem to have a lot of fans. Thanks again..
I have a SVS PB13 Ultra in piano black in a 14x20 basement. Simply amazing for movies and music. I had a platform from HIFI Pyon custom built for it and I now have an AS-EQ1 to calibrate it to my Casta Model A speakers. I find the output of this sub to be incredible. Ive owned a Paradigm Servo 15(sealed) and a M&K MX350MK2(ported-pushpull) and the SVS just eats both. Ive thought of going with two SB-13 Ultras(sealed) but I'm told for movies my sub would allow more low level output compared to the two sealed subs. If down the road I wanted more I would just get another PB13Ultra or get one SB13Ultra and have the best of both worlds.....Big thumbs up for SVS...Definitely Recommended..
Yeah, I'm not doubting the grin-factor with the SVS PB13 Ultra, or the SB13 Ultra, or really any of the 'real' subs out there, especially since I have no reference. And I'm guessing that placement/integration will make as much or more of a difference than the variances between brands?

I'm not a cheapskate, but I like deals as well. So right at that point when the money's burned almost through my pocket, whichever one I can get 'the deal' on will likely find it's way to my room...leaning towards sealed, liking the SVS, can't shake the ULS15, even though I have seen some disparaging comments on HSU, I can't ignore the reviews either...(There are those who would call a Krell amp 'crap'...;)) Not having much luck finding REL, although eBay has one in Florida for $700, an R505? Any comments on that?
Yakbob - Any input on an REL Stadium III for $1700? One just popped up within 15 miles....A little higher than I wanted to go, but for a one time purchase...?
I have not used the wireless function on the ULS-15s. My subs are set up stereo fashion next to my mains.'s nice to have the option, I just haven't needed it. And yes, it would make finding the right location easier. The only possible downside is interference with cordless phones or anything else that might use the same frequency as the wireless antennae. There are several channel options to combat this however.

You will not give up anything using the ULS-15 vs. a ported sub for movies. These things offer bombastic amounts of bass. My pair are somewhat overkill, but at the time I wanted more headroom than a pair of 12s would give in my room. Large volume, large vaulted ceiling, open floor plan...all that bad stuff.

That said, if sound quality is your main objective, I would still lean towards the SB13+ if your room is on the medium to small size. The ULS could be considered overkill, and while it goes a lot deeper and louder than my SB12 pair did, they required the employment of a sub EQ to tame them. My room had some awful room gain. The SVS subs weren't as chest thumping deep, but in my opinion offered up better sound quality for music. I'd expect the SB13 Ultra to provide better SPL output than the SB12+...maybe as much as the ULS-15. But I don't know for sure.

As a home theater sub, the ULS is flawless, and a great value in my opinion. For 2-channel audio, I'd likely seek out another SVS sealed unit...or two. :-)