Separate DAC and Streamer or go with a Streamer DAC?

My system as of today is an Unison Research Unico Secondo integrated amp, I stream throw a oppo 103 that goes thru a musical surroundings my dacii out to a pair of Focal Kanta 2s. Had a buddy lend me a Schitt ygg. DAC for half a day and noticed nice improvements in my sound quality so I wanted to upgrade my DAC. In doing some research I might be able to upgrade my DAC and streamer in the same move. So I have it narrowed down to two strong choices with a possible third, my budget for this is $2,500.  If I go the separate route it would be an Aqua La voce s2 DAC into an innuos Zenmini mkii. Streamer both used and one generation old. The beauty of this I can get into the Aqua lineup with the ability to upgrade to any current model down the road. Option number 2 is to get a lumin D2 new all in one unit. Obviously it's the newest version, it's simple 2 in 1 ( saves money on cables) but the hardware is not upgradeable if I'd ever want to switch it's a who new unit. A third option would be the ifi pro idsd DAC streamer combo.  So I'm looking for some guidance and what would be the smarter direction to go, I see plus and minuses in both routes. Thanks for your thoughts.
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@sjsfiveo  Based on your post, my sense is that you've been thorough and are addressing the pros and cons associated with each of your options. Kudos for that and for being open to various approaches!!!

If you are solely streaming, then my recommendation is for your 'streamer/player' to be optimized for that. It doesn't make sense to leave other functionality on the table such as storage, ripping, etc.

I like your choice in Aqua both in terms of sound quality and performance and of course the upgrade path they offer.
Another nod for Zen mini and Aqua La Voce. Both are excellent choices given your budget. Going the separates route always afford more flexibility with future upgrades.