Ethernet Cable or Not?

Hey everybody,

Thanks in advance for your guidance.

I use an inexpensive WiFi receiver to send a signal to a Schiit Dac, then to my Integrated.

The wireless signal never lags/buffers, but sometimes music sounds better to me than others. Very well could be in my head, tinnitus intensity, etc.

Line of sight to my router is approximately seven feet, and a ten foot cable would do the job and for the most part be hidden.

Is a wired connection between a router and WiFi receiver the way to go if one is possible? Or if I’m not having buffering should I let it be? (I don’t own a cable to try but can pick one up if it’s likely to help of course.)

Thanks for the help!
@sleepwalker65, you were right the first time re "advise" and "advice."  

My perception over the years, btw, has been that on a percentage basis what might possibly be the most common linguistic error made in posts here is substitution of "advise" for "advice." For example, people asking for "advise" rather than "advice." But in this case you used "advise" correctly.

-- Al
Are you sure advize is not correct? I really think advize is correct. 
My advice is to learn the difference between advice and advise. As such, I advise that this advice be adhered to when advising others or providing advice as an advisor 
My advice is to learn the difference between advice and advise. As such, I advise that this advice be adhered to when advising others or providing advice as an advisor. Failing this, lets just agree to use “advisce” for everything.