Will I notice a difference?

I currently have an Exemplar/Denon 3910 CD player ( a Denon unit modified at great cost by John Tucker) and a Cambridge Audio CXN streamer. I'm thinking of getting an Mhdt Orchid dac but will I hear a difference or rather improvement ? I've tried sub $1000 dacs like Topping D50 and heard no difference at all. Guess I'm tending to be cynical about external dacs but would appreciate some informed opinions.
I have the Orchid, and it is not my most expensive DAC but I think it's my favorite. I've never heard your CD player so I don't know if it will be better or if you will like it better but if you like neutral detailed "analog" sounding digital then give the Orchid a try.

There are other things in your system that will make more of a difference than an external DAC but if you don't like digital sounding sources then it's worth making the investment in my opinion.
The Orchid bests dacs costing up to $4000 in my system. It is very, very good.  Give it a decent power cord and NOS WE tube and enjoy! Just a wonderful sounding dac with no weakness that takes away from the enjoyment of the music. Easy best buy based on my experiences. 
The rest of my equipment is a Van Alstine Transcendence 8+ pre, a Rogue Stereo 90 power amp driving the electrostatic panels of Martin Logan Vantage speakers and an Acurus A250 driving the bass units. Also a Mosscade Saturn 12 sub which I rarely use.
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I must tell you that you will hear a difference and a good one at that. Ask Linear Tube Audio for a 10 day trial. They may work with you even though they don’t offer this now.  Explain your situation and who knows? This is not a cheap dac, but $1100 that sounds like $5000.  It is supremely real sounding and a delight. Worth a call.