Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil

Anyone compared the bass response of these two caps?  I bought the Supremes for trial purposes and really loved what they did to my system's imaging (front to back layering) and immediately bought the Silver Gold Oil Supremes.  Unfortunately while they were smoother, more beautiful, and even better at imaging, they had no bass (actually, they lost bass as they broke in).  Anyone know how the Silver Oil's fit into the line?  

I'm using them in a Don Sach's DS2 Preamp (  

they had no bass (actually, they lost bass as they broke in).
The capacitor lost it capacitance after broke in ?
Why do you need all these Mundorfs after using Miflex KPCU?
What was wrong with  Miflex KPCU?
Did you try Jupiter Copper?

@imhififan If you read a lot of capacitor discussions, you can see some other people finding that the bass response of the s/g/o decreases over the first 300 hours (e.g.

@noromance Yes, actually the original reason I started modifying the capacitors was because the miflexs were right on the edge of being too small for my amplifier's input impedance.

@alexberger Although the miflexs' had nice tonality, they presented a very flat image in my system. Adding in the Mundorfs put a lot more layering into the soundstage. It very much went from 2d to 3d.