Owned Maggie’s back in the day. They tend to give one audio nervosa!
The positioning of the panels is always crucial...
and they were very difficult to drive. I always felt that they really couldn’t push much air and were somewhat restricted when it came to dynamics. OTOH, when all cylinders were firing, they were a very nice sounding speaker with great ability to portray strings and mids.
I recently heard the new 30.7’s...
very impressive indeed, with a surprising amount of dynamic jump and decent bass response, but they need a very large room, and a stout amp upstream.
The positioning of the panels is always crucial...
and they were very difficult to drive. I always felt that they really couldn’t push much air and were somewhat restricted when it came to dynamics. OTOH, when all cylinders were firing, they were a very nice sounding speaker with great ability to portray strings and mids.
I recently heard the new 30.7’s...
very impressive indeed, with a surprising amount of dynamic jump and decent bass response, but they need a very large room, and a stout amp upstream.