Yes, actually the original reason I started modifying the capacitors was because the miflexs were right on the edge of being too small for my amplifier's input impedance.Be careful- just increasing capacitor values can get you into trouble. The output section probably the least, but in many cases, the designer is juggling the inductance that a larger capacitor has against the capacitance- and has arrived at a value that has the best compromise between bass bandwidth and coloration. Bass bandwidth good, coloration bad :)
(This is why we have direct coupled outputs on our preamps- this problem is avoided.)
There is a timing constant involved (which sounds like you might already know) the formula is F = 1/R x C x 2Pi
Its a bit inconvenient as stated, but if you replace 1,000,000 for the 1, then R will be in ohms, C will be in microfarads and F will be in Hz. Ideally you want the -3dB point (which is what this formula gives you) to be no more than 2Hz- allowing the preamp to then have no phase shift at 20Hz which will give you neutral bass. R in this case is the input impedance of the amplifier.