Maggie owners (past, present, future) what do (did) you love and or dislike about them?

I've always owned dynamic speakers, but I'm ready for something different. I remember about 15 years ago auditioning a pair of Maggie's at a small shop on the Plaza. Don't remember the model but I was astounded by the clarity. Couldn't afford them then, had 2 kids in college. Presently own a pair of Monitor Audio Gold 300's and they're very good speakers, but I've been reminiscing about the clarity of those Maggie's and I want a pair of the 3.7i's. Those of you who have experience with Maggie's let me know your love (hate) relationship with them. My room is 17 x 15 with a sloping ceiling up to 10 feet. Is that enough room for the 3.7i's to perform at their best?
I have had Maggie 1.7i’s for a year or two, driving with solid state Bel Canto REF500m monoblocks, 500w @ 4ohm. They go very well together, and the speakers are my favorite that I have ever owned. Accurate and sweet! Looove them. 
Mewsickbuff I am A dealer for GT Audioworks Planar speakers that is a must audition. They are a full range planar design with no crossover, pure copper traces and can play at much higher spl’s with way better slam and dynamics. The attached video is the reference model usually reserved for large rooms.
But a lot of our customers have opted to buy the speakers and mate them with the 2-12 inch open baffle subs per side.
Cones vs thin film speakers?  So why not both.  I have a pair of MGCIIIs, MGAs, MG1Cs, MGWs, MG on walls, DWMs, and a MGCC2.  Not all work.  The IIIs were sold as only needing a pair of ribbon tweeters needing  a rebuild.  The midranges were also shot.  The MG1Cs were given away, their dog knocked them down, and back to me they came.  The on walls are awaiting new thinking for the highs and lows that are missing.  One MGA sits under the tv, serving as center channel.  The MGWs alternate with my newest speakers, Martin Logan Clarities.  The DWM's sit inboard of the mains whether MGW or ML.  Side by side the MGWs have a tad better/more midrange and presence.  The Martins have the superior highs and 8 inch cone bass.

        I like Maggies.

I use various 200 wpc at 8 ohms amplifiers, all ss.    A DBX two way crossover set at 75.  Two 10 inch Kickers, each in a sealed 2 cuft box.  A 12 inch Kicker in a 3 cuft sealed box.  A Denon POA6600 drives the subs.  It has taken years to put it all together.

Mewsic you can try some of the Magnepans direct from the company.  Starts with the LRS model, and you can return or trade up within their policy.  Subs are a must.  If you are looking for speakers that reveal and do not conceal, these sound close to real.  If you are looking to peel the paint off the walls, stay with cone speakers for high spls.  Happy listening in your quest.
To be honest to this day they have cheap frames which flex and lose detail, mys stands help a lot, as well as rubbish cheap Xover parts which I always 
upgraded as well as UCB better quality fuses, get rid of the junk 
jumpers and put quality jumpers in .
Peter Gun in Pa always made Maggie mods great  Magna stands.
I only had the MG 2a's, which I loved owning, but IMHO, Maggie's are speakers that often sound better at the store or at shows because their reasonable price makes them attractive to those who don't allocate the funds for the amps that they need.  That was me. I had 100 wpc Sansui BA-2000 amp, but not the right 100 wpc.

I went onto Martin Logan Quests, which were more ballsy,  but have moved on to 40 inch tall dynamic floorstanders because instruments and voices have the right "in the room" size..  A triangle is believable in size as well as sonics.  Same for singers, drum kits, trumpets and the rest.  To me, you lose that proper sizing from five or six foot diaphragms.