I upgraded form 5s to 5As because my 5s that I purchased used were cosmetically in poor shape. I had a guy lined up to redo the speakers for a very reasonable price but found a great pair of 5As for cheap, not $5K but close enough. I really never did a side by side comparison but if my memory is correct the 5As have a little more detail as mentioned already and possibly in ways more separation but that can also sound a little thin. I have not had the chance to really adjust them so that could be a simple change. So for what others paid new for the 5As, you can get them relatively inexpensive. Properly set-up they will sound better than most $30K & under speakers today. I know that Audio Connection will be the first dealer to get them in so I hope to hear them soon. I heard the 7 MKII and fell in love with them. I just cannot justify spending that kind of coin because I just don't listen as much as I want right now plus I'm too cheap. If someone wants to sell me a pair cheap, I am interested!
Happy Listening
Happy Listening