Schiit Freya + Aegir vs Rega Elex-R

Hi Folks,

I'm looking to upgrade from my Marantz PM5005 and my budget is around 1600$.  I think I've narrowed it down to two options.  Going for separates from Schiit or staying with integrated and going with Rega Elex-R.  My two main sources are a  Rega 3 turntable, and a Marantz SA-8005 SACD player.  Speakers are Dali Zensor 7s.  I like them a lot, so not looking to upgrade those for a while. Nice thing about the Rega is the built in phono stage.  But getting a Schiit phono preamp is fine too.  Schiit has room to grow, to move to aegir monoblocks if i upgrade speakers and want more power.  Anyway, has anyone listened to either of these setups?  Any opinions about separates vs integrateds at this price point?  I'm going to check in with local rega dealers to see if they have Elex-R available to audition.   Thanks! 

I haven’t heard the Rega amps, but I can yammer on at length about the Schitt products I’ve used...sort of like this: I’ve been using an original Freya for a couple of years and it’s quiet and very coherent, and it sounds beautiful. I’m using it with a low-ish power single ended tube amp (Dennis Had Firebottle) into efficient speakers (Klipsch Heresy III). Best sounding rig I’ve owned over many decades, and maybe the least expensive! Also, rolling tubes is entertaining if you like that sort of thing...I’d buy the new Freya + if I needed another one. Note that Stereophile gave a very positive review of the Aegir amp in the most recent issue, and, as with most Schiit products, nothing can touch it at anywhere near that price, and after this review it might be hard to touch it at all since I imagine they’re gonna be in backorder limbo.
+1 Schiit

My Schiit gear has been stellar as well. not to mention the upgradability of the Schiit separates, ability to add another amp and go fully balanced is another +.