Any Love for the Grace F10 L Moving Coil Cartridge

Just picked up one of these super rare cartridges and wondered if any of our members had ever owned one and if so could offer any feedback on what to expect.

I had convinced myself that I would not buy any more cartridges and had actually being selling some off to pay for a rebuild on one of my most valued cartridges. Unfortunately for me I have a weakness for those very rare vintage cartridges and I simply can't stop myself if one becomes available at the right price.

The model I have coming is the "L" version with hollow Boron cantilever (hollow boron is another weakness of mine). The specs are as follows.

  • Frequency characteristics: 20~30,000Hz±2dB
  • Output voltage: 0.75mV(5cm/sec, 1,000Hz, 45°)
  • Impedance: 23Ω±10%(1,000Hz)
  • Channel balance: within 0.5dB(1,000Hz)
  • Crosstalk: below -25dB(1,000Hz)
  • Stylus tip: 0.2×0.8mil Advanced Luminal Trace
  • Stylus pressure: 1.8gr (±0.5gr)
  • Compliance: 20×10-6cm/dyne
  • Cantilever: Boron composite
Like my other posts, I will report back with my own findings for those who stumble across this thread in the future.

@edgewear, I decided to sell shortly after posting my last post above. I just found I could not live with the high frequency extension that really didn’t mellow out to my liking. Let us know what your thoughts are if you get one. 

Okay, thanks for sharing this. I'm a sucker for vintage MC's, but I think I'll pass on the F-11L.

Strange, in my opinion Grace are high resolution cartridges, i can only judge their MC by the reference Asakura's Two (latest signature model of the Grace owner). Since the internal impedance of all Grace MC is high 23 Ohm - 47 Ohm (depends on the model) the cartridge is very sensitive to loading and it is primary effect the high frequency extension. A phono stage with optional loading is a must for Grace Moving Coil carts. Some people prefer darker sounding cartridges and it's nothing but a personal preferences. There is nothing wrong with Grace MC. 
Chakster, I'm not suggesting there's something wrong with them. I'm well aware this characteristic very much depends on loading and the system as a whole, so I didn't make any value judgment based on that. But the description didn't wet my appetite either.

Actually something else came along and I decided to give the Dyna Ultimo DV-30C a chance. I've always been curious about this one, as it was highly rated by AJ van den Hul back in the day when he was still an audio reviewer. Long time ago!

Perhaps some other day I will give Grace a try.
Yeah, i remember it was hard to resist not to buy Dynavector DV30A, it was the next one after Ultima, headshell integrated, proper design from 1978, my version was High Output. Your "C" has better cantilever and stylus. Good luck