Admranger, The role of the Cary is minimal with the Oppo 95, but it does process HDMI audio from my Sony XA5400ES.
Video: The Cary has no video processing capability; it just passes video. I'm currently using a DVDO iScan Duo as an HDMI switch, so it's processing video, but when the 95 was connected directly to the projector, the picture quality was at least as good as that from the iScan Duo. When I install a 105, it will do the HDMI switching and the iSan Duo will go.
Audio: The Cary receives stereo and 7.1 analog audio from the 95 that it bypasses, so the 95 is doing the processing, including speaker settings. This setup eliminates HDMI artifacts between the Oppo and Cary. The Cary audio processing is used only with the Sony. Both the Cary and Oppo 95 excel at audio and either yields superb transparent sound with detailed imaging on a well defined stage. I'm guessing the 105 will at least equal the 95 in audio ability.
Video: The Cary has no video processing capability; it just passes video. I'm currently using a DVDO iScan Duo as an HDMI switch, so it's processing video, but when the 95 was connected directly to the projector, the picture quality was at least as good as that from the iScan Duo. When I install a 105, it will do the HDMI switching and the iSan Duo will go.
Audio: The Cary receives stereo and 7.1 analog audio from the 95 that it bypasses, so the 95 is doing the processing, including speaker settings. This setup eliminates HDMI artifacts between the Oppo and Cary. The Cary audio processing is used only with the Sony. Both the Cary and Oppo 95 excel at audio and either yields superb transparent sound with detailed imaging on a well defined stage. I'm guessing the 105 will at least equal the 95 in audio ability.