Need a speaker for the blues lover...

Hey 'Goners. Currently shopping speakers and am in a quandry of sorts. My listening taste leans towards electric blues followed by classic rock (Tull, Moody Blues etc.), guitar oriented jazz then a smattering of country (Johhny Cash, Willie)or easy listening stuff. I am considering Klipsch RF-52 II, Magnepan MMG or perhaps the new ZU Omen. My budget is up to 1k, but less is ok too as is used. I know the Klipsch and MMG's are 2 different animals but I like the sound of both for different reasons. I have a studio apartment approx. 25'x30'. Amp is a McIntosh MA6200 with a Marantz universal player. Listening area is about 11' feet from the speaker plane. Ideas and thoughts most appreciated.
If you get a chance, check out Fritz' Carbon 7s. I listen to classical, blues, and classic rock. The Carbon 7s do a wonderful job. They run a bit more than $1K, but you might be able to get a demo set from Fritz. He's worth calling.
I listen to the same music. Try out some Verity speakers like the Parsifal Ovations you will be very happy.
I listen to a lot electric blues music and my speakers are Zu Druid. They portrait the electric guitars in a marvelous way.

I have heard many positives about the Druid. I had my eye on the new Omen selling for $999.00 if you order today, hmm..