A civil discussion about the state of Audio Research

I invested considerable time yesterday expressing my thoughts as to the current state of Audio Research as a company from the standpoint of quality (positive) and customer service (negative) only to have the entire thread censored/deleted by the mods.
For the small subsection of this Country’s population that are home audio enthusiasts, Audio Research is an iconic brand. Moreso than any other company, AR was the torchbearer for tubes when the rest of the amp manufacturers were turning to solid state. Further, though there were a few duds here and there, I am hard-pressed to think of any other company that has made as many legendary models of amps and preamps that have withstood the test of time (imho only Krell, Spectral, and CJ come to mind and present era super-brands such as CH and DarTZeel lack the history necessary).
My point yesterday is that AR’s acquisition by a parent company has resulted in a dilution of brand identity-similar to when Volvo was acquired by Ford between ’99 and ’10 and suddenly cross pollination of parts and assembly took place. My second point is that unlike the car industry, audio is a niche industry and to refuse to interact with customers directly and to instead insist that the customer go through the local dealer is inexcusable. I think we would mostly agree that when one tries to call AT&T about one’s cable and internet service only to get a computer interface and then eventually a clueless third-party intermediary who barely speaks English in India, the entire experience is frustrating and inadequate. I have news (apparently) for the parent company of AR; the present system is not altogether different from getting a clueless intermediary in some remote country who can not really help you.
My local AD is not a top-notch audio salon. They don’t stock a single piece of AR gear in their showroom and primarily cater to home theater. They have one salesperson who has a history of owning AR gear and he only works part-time. More importantly, based on other accounts, I have no confidence that if I experience a catastrophic problem AR will treat me with respect and take care of me. I have heard nothing but the opposite. The human touch is gone. My local Devore dealer, a nationally respected one-man shop dealer-used to carry AR and thanks to several awful experiences since the take-over dropped AR and now sells VTL instead.
I am hoping that this thread results in a CIVIL and appropriate, mostly intelligent discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of AR and AR's future. If the mods wish to delete this post as well, fine, but I want a forum to post my concerns about AR and if this one won’t accommodate me, I will find another.
Again, for the record, I am the original owner of a Ref 6 and Ref 150SE and therefor have ~$30,000 invested in my amp and pre alone. A paltry sum by the standards of some, but not paltry to me.
As on owner of 3 generations of ARC electronics (currently Ref 40 and Ref 160 monos), each one better than the last--I can say that I do miss Kal. Email only is no way to provide real customer service for products like the Ref 160s that go for 30k a pair.
That being said, ARC continues to push the envelope in sound and I continue to be a fan.
Thread drift from my own post but; I ended up buying from Tyler and Chelsea of TCtubes. 
This is what Tyler had to say about the KT150;
I avoid most QC issues by paying extra for tubes tested and matched by New Sensor. This costs me more on the front end but I don't get the rejects that they screen out. I don't rely on their matching. I order batches all from the most desirable range of tubes for the type I'm interested in. They are supposed to send me all closely matched tubes in the quantity I've ordered. I then retest those tubes and match them into sets using my own methods. In the end, I run the tube sets under the operating conditions they will be seeing in the amplifier that the customer has. In your case, most ARC amps run around 420-430v plate and screen and draw about 65mA per tube. I set the tubes up under these conditions and verify that they are matched at those voltages before shipping. 

If I see problems with tubes as I go through this process I simply return them. This pattern is time intensive and cumbersome, but I don't get hardly any returns on power tubes as a result. 

Most tube resellers will buy the tubes in larger quantities and in untested condition. They will end up with a range from about 70% of expected values to over 200% of expected values. I will not play that game anymore. Too many rejects for the factory to take back. Paying them for screening on the front end saves me time and hassle in the end. My customers get tubes screened three times (once by New Sensor, once in my initial tests on the AT1000 testers, and finally in a matching fixture at actual operating voltages for end user's application) and much better matched than otherwise possible.

I have Jim McShane's post but won't repeat what he had to say for fear that he would prefer that I keep it private. Having just re-read it, he did say that he plans to revisit the KT150 at a later time in hopes that the QC has improved.\
I have a long history of buying tubes from Kevin Deal of Upscale with mostly good but not universally good results. 
Bringing this back to ARC, one of the few times that I DID get a response from ARC was when I wrote them inquiring if it was possible to use 6550s, KT88's or KT90's in my Ref150SE. I mentioned that my Devore dealer thought that those tubes were a better match for my Devore O/93's. I received a very curt response that my dealer (they knew his identity because I referenced him my name in my inquiry) "was an idiot" (verbatim) and that I "would be foolish to listen to him" and that there was no conceivable reason to use any tube other than the KT150 in my amp. 
With ARC going to autobias, the tube matching issues will only be a problem for the existing user base. Everyone hears differently and prefers what they prefer. With this caveat, the kt150 has a superior sound signature to the 6550, kt88, kt90 and kt120. The shortcomings of each of those tubes have been overcome in the kt150. Let the flames begin....