Anyone heard Schiit's Aegir?

Was curious if anyone had purchased a Schiit Aegir? I was wondering how it sounds.
Read Stereophile magazine, they just gave it a Class A rating.   It’s in the same category as amps costing the price of a German car.
After initiating this thread by inquiring about the Aegir’s. I spent a lot of time reading about the various class A amps like First Watt F7, First Watt J2 and Pass Labs XA 25. After much consternation, I decided to belly up to the bar and pop for the Pass XA-25. My Zu Omen’s have never sounded this good.. The speakers have disappeared! 
Yeah, abery, it does look pretty impressive. I was somewhat shocked that Stereophile would put it in the Class A category, that’s really saying something.  Right up there with the super expensive amps.

I’ve got the schiit Vidar, and almost can’t believe how good it sounds with 3 different pairs of speakers.  Word is the Aegir has an amazing mid range and top end, superseding the Vidar.  

For those in the market, if you have reasonably efficient speakers(say above 92 decibels) and are looking at class A amps for their sound, the 799 Aegir should be on the short list.

if you’ve got a budget of a few grand or more, the best strategy is to get as much speaker as you can afford.  I’ve seen people get a pair of $99 Andrew Jones Pioneer speakers and then go spend $2500 on a Parasound amp.  That would be the wrong way to go.