Which stereo amp to try under $30k

Having just made several upgrades to my system, it's now time for the amp. Given the number of amps in the 15-30k range, I'm guessing many of you have experiences with them. To get started, I'll tell you my (1) my guidance (2) my current list of options (3) My current setup. Looking forward to getting more options on my list, as I'd like to pull the trigger in about 2 months and need to start listening.

My Guidance
- Under $30k
- I need to be able to hear the amp before purchase, preferably at a local shop (SF Bay Area)
- New or used ok
- Large sound stage
- Bass
- More Bass... all the bass
- Very much prefer stereo to fit in my rack. I have small children and not enough room for monos.
- Prefer not tubes (already have a tube line stage - too hot for small children and don't fit in rack)
- I'm ok with a colored sound. Prefer musicality and realism over "accuracy" or "neutrality"
- Needs an absolute minimum of 150W based on how loud I listen
- 15/20A or something I can plug into a regular wall outlet

My Current List of options
- Luxman M900u (current top of list)
- Ayre VX-R Twenty
- Pass Labs XA160.8 (doesn't meet all of my guidance)
- Boulder 2160 (a little above budget)
- Audio Research 160S (doesn't meet all of my guidance)

My Current Setup
- AMG Viella Turbo Turntable w/ Koetsu Onyx Platinum Cartridge
- Boulder 508 Phono Stage
- Mytek Manhattan II DAC (next upgrade after the amp - maybe a dCS Bartok?)
- Audio Research Reference 6 line stage
- McIntosh MC452 power amplifier
- B&W 802D3 speakers
- AudioQuest and Nordost cabling or a Symposium Osiris rack

What I listen to: Anything from the 60s on vinyl, some things from the 70s on vinyl. A lot of large orchestral and jazz, also a fair amount of pop, from any decade, on vinyl and digital. Thanks for reading my long post! I'll keep this thread updated with amps I hear. Lots of great shops in the area. My two favorites are The Analog Room in Campbell and Music Lovers Audio in Oakland and SF.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmayoradamwest
Under $30K I would certainly recommend my Lepai 2020 +.  It powers my Magneplanars beautifully. Great bass and a soundstage to die for.
Try to find a used pre-owned D’Agostino Momentum stereo power amp that can be had for around $30k or possibly less. D’Agostino Momentum amps will pair really well with a tube preamp especially the ARC Reference linestage preamps.

I used to have two pairs of D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps paired with the ARC Reference 10 linestage preamp in my previous setup/system driving a pair of Wilson Audio Alexx speakers. They performed and sounded wonderfully together. 
My analog front end source components at the time were : Kronos Pro turntable with the D'Agostino Momentum phonostage pre. My digital front end source components at the time were : DCS Vivaldi full four stacks (Vivaldi masterclock, Vivaldi upsampler, Vivaldi DAC, Vivaldi CD/SACD transport). The overall sonic end results were phenomenal. 

The ARC Reference linestage pre + D’Agostino Momentum amps will sound pretty good on your B&W 802 D3 as well. I have heard the B&W 802 D3 driven by D’Agostino Momentum amps before with an Ayre Reference linestage pre and I thought they sounded great together.
Thanks all for the suggestions. I’ve added them to my list to listen. I’ll need to research where I can hear the D’Agostino. As for why not the speakers.... no. And while appreciate the cheap Class D zealots, I’m not interested. I’m also not going to buy an amp that needs some ‘upgrade’. The McIntosh is quite good and sets the bar high. 
The McIntosh amps are pretty good but the ARC (especially their Reference line), Boulder, Luxman, Pass Labs and the D’Agostino amps are leagues ahead and big step up from McIntosh.
Ayre Ref will also sound good on your B&W 802 D3.

Another amp that will sound really good on your B&W 802 D3 will be the Naim 500 DR power amp with its partnering Naim 555 PS DR external power supply unit (psu). The Naim 500 DR amp does not have onboard power supplies. The Naim 500 DR amp + Naim 555 PS DR psu will be over your budget of $30k though. The combo will run you for around $34k total ($26k for the amp + $8k for the PSU). The Naim 500 DR power amp is a true dual monoural design amps with left & right channels are encased in completely separate chambers and are completely isolated and independent from each other. You could use two of the 555 PS DR power supply units, one for each channel but they will cost you even more and will drive up the total costs to $42k total. And besides, you said you won’t have additional rack shelf space.
But if you did have extra rack spaces I would highly recommend this Naim 500 DR amp + Naim 555 PS DR psu. This is a highly refined highly musical sounding amp. Do not get let down with its power output ratings of 140 wpc @ 8 ohms but this is a very capable amp more than capable of driving your B&W 802 D3 and this amp is stable down to very low impedance loads. The current delivery that matters. I’ve previously heard this amp driving a pair of big huge Focal Utopia Grande Evo iii speakers with ease and effortlessly. The sound was soo effortless.
Some great suggestions. 
You should definitely try out Audionet, Luxman, Vitus and the Naim.
All the best.