Has anyone compared the EMT 139st phonostage to others ?

I am currently using the EMT HSD-006 cartridge. I am looking for a good tube phonostage to go with it. The first choice is of course their own EMT 139st phonostage. The EMT engineers Dusch and J.P Vanvliet have launched a "remanufactured" version of this phonostage. It is an exact replica with modern parts. Costs around Euro 5k. Before I spend that kind of money I want to get some feedback about this phonostage. Has anyone heard it or compared it to other phonostages ? How is it ?
The EMT phonostages are rarely seen outside of the EMT turntables,  so that may be a challenge getting a true unbiased answer from a owner of these pieces.  I am in the process of having a original restored along with the 927.  So maybe I  can report back in a couple of months. 

I am a vintage guy, initially I used a mark levinson 25L phono stage.  In the late 80's I became a mark levinson fan, but eventually abandoned the brand and went back to vintage gear from the 60's & 70's.

The levinson is very very good.  I had a little noise in the left channel and sent it out for service, then just using my preamps built in phono stage, which I hadn't done in years.  At the time I was switching between my marantz 7 / Phase Linear 400 combo and my Sansui 9090DB.  The phono in the Sansui is remarkable its so good.

I have a client who has a EMT 930 with the 139st, and that preamp has a sonic character that is nuanced, dynamic, & smooth.  No matter what cartridge you're using, those traits come through in spades.  I wanted one, still kinda do.

I haven't heard any 139st clones or re-manufactured ones, so I can't comment on those.  I would imagine that if you can get one re-manufactured by EMT, then you should be golden.  It's a superb choice. 

Keep in mind, that the 139st when compared to my levinson 25L, is more laid back.  Initially you will think that you are missing something, until you realize everything is THERE... it's just that the presentation is so wonderfully smooth and articulate that it takes you back a little.  Hence my reference to it being hypnotic. 

@normansizemore how did you know the sound of 139st ? It must be integrated inside the 930 TT. Were you able to make any direct comparisons with external phonostages ?