Best AV receiver to use as an AV pre amp

I want to get another AV receiver, but I want one that has a really good pre section in it so I can also use it well for 2 channel music. I have a Bryston 5B ST that I use for the front 3 channels(and for 2 channel music), but I want to use the internal amps in the receiver for the surround channels only (hence why I can't use *just* a preamp).
I am using my Denon AVR 2808 as the pre now with the Bryston and it is OK, but I feel is really holding it back.
Any suggestions on what would be a go AV receiver that has a great preamp section in it ?
I agree with Zd too. Sadly, the 2 channel preamp sections in most AVR's are an afterthought - they were designed for multi channel use with their room correction facilities. Not stereo music. I have yet to hear an AVR in "pure direct" mode that I was impressed with.

Consider a separate 2 channel preamp with a Home Theater Bypass feature. This will allow seamless integration with an AVR and your power amp all in one system. I use a Parasound 2100 preamp in my configuration. Relatively inexpensive and brings my 2 channel listening up to a whole new level. There are many manufacturers offereing HT Bypass preamps all the way up to five figures. If you can fit another box in your installation, check them out. Could be the solution to your problem.
I assume your question is budget driven at least to some extent. If so, "get separates" isn't a helpful suggestion. I'd take a look at reviews of some Marantz mid to upper mid priced AVRs. Marantz generally does a better job on music quality than most and the reviews seem to bear that out. Good luck.
"If you are referring to me, you do not know what you are talking about. I have had very good 2-channel systems for over 40 years, and some very good surround-sound systems for the past 10 years. And, I sold hi-end hi-fi for 3-4 years. So, I kinda know this stuff."

I know for certain that you never worked in my store. I've fired people with a lot more experience than you.

"Secondly, YOU did not read his post correctly. Or you have trouble with reading comprehension.

The OP actually posted "I want to get another AV receiver, but I want one that has a really good pre section in it so I can also use it well for 2 channel music. "

Actually I did. Thats why I recommended a 2 channel preamp instead of another receiver.

"The latest crop of good-quality AVRs satisifes his needs quite well. And he could do this for about $900 - 3,000 - no budget was stated. If he wants an AVR, the ones I suggested are quite good..."

Thats just plain arrogant. Satisfies his needs quite well? Maybe you should let him make up his own mind. Not only that, how much experience do you have with this stuff that you can look at his $800 Denon receiver and then tell him to get something from $900 to 3000? The analog preamp sections of these products don't change much as the price goes up; if at all. He could go out and buy another Denon for $1500 or more and have very little to no change, whatsoever, to the line stage portion of the receiver. I don't see that as very good advice when someone is looking to better his 2 channel sound and is happy with his theatre setup. Not only that, this is not just a complete waste of money on the preamp section, but the amp as well. In spending more money on a better receiver, a huge portion of the increase in cost goes to the amp section. How well will the amp section of a high end Chinese receiver compare to the OP's Bryston amp? Do I really even have to answer that one? It will be a toy compared to the Bryston.

As I said before, I think its a complete waste of money to get a better receiver. The things that will make the receiver better will be of little to no benefit in improving 2 channel sound. Sorry Rlwainwright, but I see now why you only worked in the industry for 3-4 years. I can't wait to hear you invent for a reply, though.
If the OP still wants suggestions for an AVR with a great(open to interpretation) 2-channel preamp section,I would highly suggest an NAD T775HD, or the T785HD. The T775HD would probably be the better choice because with the Bryston amp driving the LCR, the more powerful T785HD's amp section might be redundant for just the surrounds. Therefore, the T775HD might be a great fit. He could go for the T765HD also if somewhat budget conscience.

Thanks folks. Space and budget contraints(mostly space) dictate that I really don't have the option of running a separate 2 channel system..I need to use a system that will work for HT and 2 channel. I listen to music a home theatre in the same room and there just isn't enough space to have two setups. I have upgraded my components to high quality peices (using a Bryston amp for the front left, right and center instead of using the receivers internal amps as an example)to try and maximize the sound quality for all purposes. Just wondering if there is a better option than the Denon 2808ci that I am currently using...that is reasonably prices.