Best AV receiver to use as an AV pre amp

I want to get another AV receiver, but I want one that has a really good pre section in it so I can also use it well for 2 channel music. I have a Bryston 5B ST that I use for the front 3 channels(and for 2 channel music), but I want to use the internal amps in the receiver for the surround channels only (hence why I can't use *just* a preamp).
I am using my Denon AVR 2808 as the pre now with the Bryston and it is OK, but I feel is really holding it back.
Any suggestions on what would be a go AV receiver that has a great preamp section in it ?
The Onkyo PR-SC5509 is a bargain. Wenn you use it with Audessey pro there is nothing to beat. Denon, Nad, Marantz and even Bryston are all 2-dimensional brands. These Brands are not capable of depth, only a little max. This means almost all instruments and voices are on one line. I call this standard audio. Depth is the most exiting part in highend audio. I have an extreme 3d holographic image. Now voices are even more open then wenn I used and owned the Pass labs XP-20.
"The Onkyo PR-SC5509 is a bargain."

That I agree with totally.

"Wenn you use it with Audessey pro there is nothing to beat."

I agree with mostly but would use "difficult to beat".

"Denon, Nad, Marantz and even Bryston are all 2-dimensional brands. These Brands are not capable of depth, only a little max. This means almost all instruments and voices are on one line."

I have not used Bryston but disagree that NAD is 2 dimensional. My experience with my NAD pre-pro/Acurus amps combination is a huge deep and wide soundstage with great seperation and yes a lot of max.

I also experienced the same thing with my NAD T773 receiver since OP wants another receiver.

I've been using an Anthem MRX300 as a pre/pro for the last year. I've been happy with it, but I'm not super picky. For the main outs, everything is digitalized so room correction can be applied, so if you want a true direct pass-through, you have to use the second zone outputs. For $1k, I think I made a good choice.
Snofun3, maybe you are the one who should read the OP's original request. Very first sentence. I have cut and pasted as follows:

"I want to get another AV receiver, but I want one that has a really good pre section in it so I can also use it well for 2 channel music."

His exact words; not ours. This is why most of us are talking about 2 channel and how to improve his listening.
Hope this helps and best regards.