hi anbody have a wood record mat ?

someone has one sale  cant find out to much about it. never saw one. are they any good?  thank you.
I find the idea of a wooden mat quite intriguing tbh.
The negative nellies be darned!

Time for some more investigation methinks.
Thx OP!
Seems like layered bamboo would be hard enough. Manufacturing it would be pretty difficult though...   
Dear @totem395  : Your post is spot on. I posted on the same issue:

"  and with the rigth " treatment " in its production there is no reasons to think it does not works.. "

Some years ago, Chris Brady (Teres Audio) and some other a'philes got together to do a shootout between Chris' new wooden platter and his lead loaded acrylic platters. The wood platter was the hands down winner in every case according to those who were there. I don't remember the title of the thread at this time though. Of course, the wood platter has lead in it also.