What are the current "speaker trends" in your opinions?

Be it cones, stats, horns, planers ...or whatever other technology, is there anything new/worthwhile out there?  I know that there was the AMT "air motion transformer" of the ESS days,etc.  Many technologies advance and sometimes refinements of existing technology is the mainstay.   I am not real current in my readings or notice of advertising/reviews and would appreciate anything readers can share. 

The rise of active speakers with DSP has the promise of simpler systems that can have flatter in-room frequency response. When you compare what the Kef LS50 costs to the LS50W and what each offers, it's apparent that such integration also lowers costs.
I agree that self powered, dsp, wireless speakers may be something that continues to advance and hopefully more speaker manufacturers will jump on board.

My only concern is reliability and also they’ll need to have access to control the dsp without having the speakers connected to wifi.  

If they could add in a switch that would switch from active to passive, that might be cool as well.  

I’ve had Kef LS50w and Dynaudio Xeo 6 as well.  Each one had its strengths and weakness’