Flea Watt Amp: What Speakers Are. You Using With Yours? Recommendations

I picked up an 8 or 12 watt small amp; now what speakers can anyone using these small amps recommend? 
My custom built Tannoy HPD's (Dual Concentric drivers from 1974), 94db sensitivity, sound magical with my SET 300B (@ 9 Wpc) amp, in a large room. I am using EML XLS 300B tubes, for which the filament voltage has been optimized for those tubes.

No other tube amp has provided me the level of enjoyment this combination is giving me.
I reccomend the Rethm line of speakers. I'm currently using the Rethm Saadhana V3 with my 300B SET OTL at 5watts. Very nice. But all the Rethm models are very high efficiency and easy loading with internal powered subs, so you can get great bass. I've heard their lowest end Rethm Bhaava model. It's very good and at it's price, a huge bargain and giant killer ... for flea powered amps 
I use a Miniwatt with 2.5 watts output and it easily powers either my Klipschorns or my Zu Soul Superfly’s which are 16 Ohms. I also have 6 watt and 12 watt vintage Mullard amps that drive them easily too.
How about Tekton? They have some high efficiency speakers that seem to be highly rated and reasonably priced.