For the money that a potential buyer would be shelling out to buy either of these speakers and assuming that the buyer has that much $$ of disposable income to purchase equipment, IMO it would be better to just take a trip or fly out to the closest dealership(s) and listen? The travel expense would be mere pennies for the price of the speaker and potentially making a poor decision and losing out in thousands should the speaker not perform up to expecations.
Please don't take this as a slam on anyone, but we are talking about ~20K for the Carmel and Duo's - that is if the OP is looking at the Carmel and not the ~50K Kipod.
Understanding that we do like to hear if people have an opinion.
Please don't take this as a slam on anyone, but we are talking about ~20K for the Carmel and Duo's - that is if the OP is looking at the Carmel and not the ~50K Kipod.
Understanding that we do like to hear if people have an opinion.