Top Audio Blu Ray Player Suggestions

I am finally going to get a BRP due to number of music titles now available. (Steve Wilson made me do it) I read all about OPPO 105 but nothing else. No Dennon or NAD ,etc?
Having just returned from CES & THE SHOW, I had a chance to hear, touch and feel a number of different players. The Oppo is so far ahead of the competition you would probably have to spend over $2500- to enter the Oppo neighborhood. First and formost, it sounds fantastic on all types of media. It was one of the most impressive pieces of equipment that I came across all week. Hearing is believing and the Oppo sounds great.
Are you looking at a multichannel or two channel application? Second, are you planning to use the analog outs or as HDMI transport into a processor?
Addendum: My Oppo BDP-93 sounds terrific with the Porcupine Tree DVD-As that I have - Lightbulb Sun, In Absentia, Deadwing, Stupid Dream, Nil Recurring, and Arriving Somewhere. If you have not gotten all of these yet, by all means do so!!

Are you looking at a multichannel or two channel application? Second, are you planning to use the analog outs or as HDMI transport into a processor?
It's hard to beat the Sabre32 dac used in the Oppo, a big reason this unit sounds so good.