Open Baffle vs Box

Hi All,
Eyeing a Pair of Spatial M3 Sapphire and wondered if anyone transitioned from Box Speakers to OBs and what they thought?
I’m giving up my much loved Vandy 2ce’s and was hoping for input out there. Great 60 day in-home trial but was curious to hear what people think before I pull the trigger?
This has been a great forum to learn from!!
An open baffle would cause the back wave to distort the front wave. Thats the whole point of a box to stop that. If you enjoy distortion then thats your choice.
 Another belch, from the Dunning-Kruger Poster-Boy!

agreed and unfortunately I only know what I read. I, too am an apartment dweller and might be forever which is where Spatials we’re first recommended to me. I’ve put it out there on the Spatial forum that I’d like to hear them from a local and in 30 minutes I’d know what I want to know about them. Seems there are no locals who have them who also post there.

i keep scrubbing them off my list but they keep being re-added. On paper they check all the boxes (with bass being the unknown quantity). If I could just add subs then I’d go that route.

I went from Maggies, to Emerald Physics(the original designer, Clayton Shaw, owns Spatial), for tube-driven main speakers, in my actively bi-amped system. Needed the added efficiency. Same openness/spatial realism and instrument size/excellent imaging, as my various pairs of planars(Acoustat and Magnepan fan, since 1981).   I could easily get along, without my SS-powered woofers, running my Emerald Physics/tube monoblocks full-range.
btw: Emerald Physics also offers an electronic EQ, they call their, ’Bass Optimization Module’(BOM), which allows you to dial in the Bass, to suit your room/speakers/tastes. (

Spatial's latest and greatest are the X5 and X3 (larger). X3 has a powered woofer with extension claimed to 25Hz.

I heard one of the M series (I think) at CAF and, personally, didn't like the presentation, but it might have been the small and pretty narrow hotel room.