
Heard a poster who is looking for an amp say...

I'm ok with a colored sound. Prefer musicality and realism over "accuracy" or "neutrality"

I look at it this way......

I hear on a system an upright bass.
If it sounds real and I mean I can hear al the subleties one hears when pressing down a string on a fretboard its resonance it gives....then attack and bottom and actual notes then it is an accurate reproduction. When rhythm and chord are accurate via accurate sound then you have a real reproduction of the bass.

Musicality is when the system jams...when it has actual soul in the sound....
Some digital stream systems are completely void of this instruments sound real but it has no "jam" to it...
There's the Bass the Guitar..etc...but it sounds like they are playing in seperate rooms....
Its like what some TV setups have in that HandyCam look the images are brilliant but the picture has no soul to it.
Nicely stated. 

So you have an excellant recording that we know of but sounds like dirt on a system...

An accurate system will tell you if the recording or mix was terrible...
Take for example some old Neil Young..

Better to listen to on an inferior system..
I'm ok with a colored sound. Prefer musicality and realism over "accuracy" or "neutrality"

In and of themselves these are totally arbitrary terms. The more you dig into it the more certain you will know this. That is why I can just about bet money you will never find these terms in any of my many detailed comments on the way something sounds. These terms simply have no meaning, and I am not big on writing nonsense.

Well, that's not quite exactly right now, is it? The no meaning part, I mean. (I write nonsense all the time! Sometimes even on purpose!) The meaning I get from it is the writer is saying, "There are people who like a sound they call accurate or neutral, and I prefer something different."

So there you go.
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