Audiophile Receptacle question

Hey guys. So I'm about to convert my garage to a home studio/listening room. Amongst other things I plan to get at least 4 new receptacles isolated to the breaker.  I'm looking at Furutech and Synergistic Research -Tesla Plex. I'm hoping to get good results with my equipment. But I was wondering if receptacles like these would provide any improvement on say my guitar amps? I also am a musician, as well as a professional music listener lol. Would love to get some input from others on this. I know these things are targeted for high end equipment, but would a vintage guitar tube amp not be considered high end of audiophile? It would be awesome if they made a sonic difference when I'm recording my music. Thanks
I would go with hospital grade receptacles (Hubbell, Pass Seymour) and save a lot of money to get the same results. The objective is to cover and grip the power cord prongs as tight as possible and that's what HG receptacles do.

But I think vintage guitar amps will do a lot better with a thicker gauge power cord. I remember plugging my Twin Reverb into a cheap power strip/extension and it sounded as if a blanket was placed over it.
I too would like to know what is the best outlet??? All this stuff is so hard to know. Almost any upgrade is better than stock. I have been amazed at the differences interconnects, speaker wires and internal components have made. It sure would be nice to know peoples opinions on the 3 best outlet choices. Best bang for the buck so to speak!
I think I'm going to just pull the trigger on the SR Blue Duplex receptacle and see what sounds best with it. I need to hear if the hype is real lol. As far as the other outlets, I'll just get PS audio for the remaining. They are good modded HG at a fair price tag. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to audition the Synergistic Research though!
I'll post my results when the job is complete. 
  Now if someone could just point me in the direction of a thick power cable with hi-end response at an affordable price. Hmm......
In regards to affordable, good power cables, check out this: