Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
yyzzsantabarbara......I could deliver a nice pair of cherry 2.3 to you on my way South in October, just for grins....Mods don’t over rotate on this....


Good to see you again. Hope you are well and enjoying early Fall.

Happy Listening!

@tomic601 Thanks for the Thiel offer. I have my eyes on the Thiel 3.7 for the downstairs now.

A speaker you did recommend  to me in another post will get a much stronger second for look my office, the Vandersteen Treo CT. All this Thiel thinking made me circle back on the Treo CT.

You're welcome .
I'm still replacing capacitos and resistors as my budget allows ,
with ultra-fast soft recovery recitiers being next .
Basically part DIY hobby and part the cost of audiophilism .
Used CJ MF-2550se are going for Over $3,700 ,
a Classe CA2300 is going for over $5,000
and a CJ Premeier 350sa went for over $5,000 this year .

I have noticed that many Thiel owners are using Conrad Johnson
equipment both solid state and tube .
At the same time it seems that adding a sub or two seems to be a popular addition .

 I am thinking about adding a CJ preamp
( used ) to replace my passive preamp .

This is a Fun hobby that is or can be very $$$$$ 
and I am trying to keep it down to $$ by buying used and upgrading .



Starting with a pair of 2.2s in 1996, I too have mostly bought used since then, and it's still been a rather expensive (but rewarding) hobby. I'm surprised and pleased to learn that CA-2300s are fetching $5k+ used. That's a bit more than I paid used for my CT-2300 in 2011.

I admire your DIY effort upgrading your electronics. I lack expertise and skill with a soldering iron in that area, but I did take a deep-dive into acoustic measurement and room treatment as well as designing and building an ultrasonic vinyl cleaning system to earn my DIY wings.

Back on the topic of adding subs, I should add that Thiel cross-overs, whether passive or active, do a superb job seamlessly integrating subs with main speakers.
